
St therese of lisieux the story of a soul
St therese of lisieux the story of a soul

st therese of lisieux the story of a soul

© ICS Publications Institute of Carmelite Studies, Washington, D.C. Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face Love attracts love, and, my Jesus, my love leaps toward Yours it would like to fill the abyss which attracts it, but alas! it is not even like a drop of dew lost in the ocean!” The Autobiography of Saint Therese of Lisieux: The Story of a Soul Paperback Decemby John Beevers (Translator) 163 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle 11.99 Read with Our Free App Audiobook 0.00 Free with your Audible trial Paperback 14.69 90 Used from 1.40 27 New from 9.49 1 Collectible from 11. She was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church May 17, 1925. She is also known as 'The Little Flower of Jesus'. Your Love has gone before me, and it has grown with me, and now it is an abyss whose depths I cannot fathom. Entitled Story of a Soul, this beautiful story details the great thoughts and insights of St. The Story of a Soul conveys St Therese of Liseux's 'Little Way' of spiritual childhood - her 'elevator' to Heaven, as she called it. Saint Thrse de Lisieux or Saint Thrse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, born Marie-Franoise-Thrse Martin, was a French Carmelite nun. You know, O my God, I have never desired anything but to love you, and I am ambitions for no other glory. Your words, O Jesus, are mine, and I can make use of them to draw upon the souls united to me.I simply ask that we all be one day united in Your beautiful heaven.

St therese of lisieux the story of a soul